Kam Pue Yan
“It was the best maths tuition I’ve ever had, if I joined KK Lee for SPM Add Maths my results probably would’ve been better. His explanations were straight to the point and easy to understand. Before I joined I thought it was probably just like any other tuition which just focused on theories and less on exercises. But KK Lee not only teaches step by step, he exposes all the tricky questions while teaching to make everything easier to understand and teaches through endless examples and exercises. The best part is that he gave lots of Maths M questions which are valuable to Maths M students considering the limited available books in market. I’d definitely encourage people to go because aside from exercises in class, the extra past year exercises had complete step by step answers so you wouldn’t have to get stuck while trying to do it, which is a major thing for most students.“

Kam Pue Yan
Kolej Tingkatan Enam Shah Alam
I joined KK LEE Mathematics (M) tuition classes during STPM 2017.