Michelle Lim
“Mr KK Lee is a very humourous yet sarcastic person, whether he knows it or not. he conducts the class in a very organised manner by giving enough and easy understandable notes to the students in every lesson. his notes are the best as it competes with the reference books out there and his notes and exercises are enough for u to attend ur exam. his teaching helps students to understand in the easiest way and this is the best part. he even conducted extra classes or basic classes regardless of pay which is very rare of teachers can do. he make sure that his class is on schedule and every time there is a change of schedule, he will surely notify the students earlier by making proper arrangements which fits the students best. besides, he created a group in facebook which serves as a platform for students to exchange ideas and discuss. he will eventually post some difficult questions for students to solve and lead students to constant thinking and solving questions. furthermore, as a tuition teacher, he even assisted in school based assesments and did it better than the school teachers. to help the students further, he compiled past year questions and questionnaire from other schools and mostly comes with solving steps. he is a nightly person and he answers ur questions from u in whatsapp even in midnight. oh, his patience level is quite high also as he can tolerate with all kind of students. his class just had neven been boring and he’s a really professional teacher. good luck mr lee!”

Michelle Lim
I joined STPM Mathematics (T) tuition classes few years ago.
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Loh Kar Wei
“你可以認為自己的數學很強,但是當你遇到 KKLEE, 千萬別再覺得自己很厲害。知道為什麽嗎 ?因為 KKLEE 將會是你所見過唯一的數學鬼才。沒有他不會回答的數學題,只有你問不出的題。 他神一般的數學解答技巧,幽默的教學方式,只要你認真,沒有拿不到 A 的……
Emylia Stevens
“To be honest, I was never good at Maths. I’ve been to many tuition centres but the teacher’s teach really fast (I take my time to understand maths) and I always have questions at random times and when I don’t get the answers or if I dont understand , I ……
Ng Boon Fui
“KK Lee Is a very good maths teacher . I followed his class when I was lower six and these 1.5 years he taught me how to learn and think maths in a different ways .Maths is all about hardworks . Thanks KK Lee . No regrets for being your student in 1.5 years .☺️”
“I think KK Lee sir is the best mathematics T teacher. He can teach us the easiest method to solve questions. He will teach every mathematical method clearly without doubt. He helped me to get an B+ for my mathematics……
Esther Shanti Indran
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “KK LEE’s method of teaching is very easy to understand. From his teaching, we know that he is a Mathematics Wizard.. Students need more teachers like him… 😀 Thank You Sir!!”
Chew Xiao Shian
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “The best.”
Hor Jan Xian
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “KKLee is a very steady teacher. Your note is the best which summaries every thing. I will study your note example every time before exam and get A. Teacher, when yamcha?”
“The technique used by KK Lee to answer the questions given are easier to understand. A set of past year questions are given from the old and new syllabus which helped me to get a better grip in every chapter.”
Son Shi Yan
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “He makes math easier 🙂 His notes and the compiled past year solution helps you to understand better.”
Ng Jyi Cheng
“I only started MT tuition with KK Lee during Sem3 because my school teacher retired in early September and she has been rushing through to finish the syllabus. I hated Statistics a lot and I find it really confusing……