Parametric equations express a set of related quantities as explicit functions of an independent variable, known as a parameter. An equation, relating variables x and y in Cartesian coordinates, can be expressed by parametric equations which describe a position on the curve.Find information about parametric equations yourself.
Sample Question
Parametric equations express a set of related quantities as explicit functions of an independent variable, known as a parameter. An equation, relating variables,
Sample Solution
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3

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Teacher may I ask a question…
Is number 2a) the equation for hyperbola or parabola…And if it’s hyperbola why is it so…
Thank you very much
2a is parabola
Thank you sir…I really appreciate it..
Sir, I would like to ask on the equation x=e^t, did you eliminate the variable e or you just ignore it? If you eliminate it, how did you do it?
Substitute the values of t into the equation of x
Teacher, how can i find the intersection points in 3(b)?
Question is asking “HOW MANY points of intersection”. So based on the graph, there are two points of intersection. DONE.
Sir, may i to ask you. how to get the 3 equation? i have no idea about this.
Any equations that satisfy the Cartesian equation.
can i know how to get the third parametric equation for question 2a ?I tried so many times and still din get that ans….sir,can u give me some clues..
Refer the above comments, any parametric equations that satisfy the Cartesian equation given.
can i know for the 2Qb)for the choice is based on the equation on the question 2a? ? thanks ^^
that means i can create my own parametric equation for x without links to the parabola equation for question2a) ?
Question is asking can or not. And not asking what is the parametric equation. so if you are going to create your own. Ask your teacher and good luck.
Sir , can your kindly write the introduction , methodology and conclusion ? Thx a lot for your kindness
Can you show me some guidance on doing the introduction , methodology and conclusion of this assignment .
Please ask your teacher. Different school teachers have different requirements
but teachers of my school just leave us to deal with it …. So I hope to get some information from you sir …
Hi. Sorry. Cant help on this. 🙂
Sir…. for the parametric eqn right…. can this? :
1. y=sinϑ +1 ; x=50-(cosϑ)2 &
2. y=tanϑ +1 ; x=(secϑ)2-48……….
yes. any equations
How you get that parametic eqn? steps?
With the understanding of parametric equations, you can obtain the three equation easily.
question 3C) on the verification part, after u sub the x value, why are they so many t value if use x=-6/5 but all prove it does not collide, but using x= -2 , many t value as well but only 1 prove it collide at that time. If t value we found prove it dont collide, then they are many t value outside which we dont find on the equation said it don collide.
question 3b)u sub x1 and x2 into sin^2 t +cos ^2 t = 1 and y value as well, and u found the point of intersection, but referring to the point we found on the graph , one of the point which is x=-6/5 does not seem to be logic, based on the graph it should -1.5 something, which clearly shown on the graph. does that mean it is wrong?
For 3c. It is given that t lies between 0 and $latex 2\pi$.
For 3b. I NEVER substitute any values in my calculation. Thanks
sry maybe i dont really understand, may i know for the first part of 3c), why do u sub x1/2 = sin t and x2 + 2 = cos t equation into sin^2 t + cos^2 t = 1?
To solve the simultaneous equations. You can use any other ways to solve the simultaneous equations to find the points where the particles collide.
ok, so we found the point of intersection using simultaneous equations, which have two value for both x and y , but one of the x value which is x= -6/5 does not seem to be logic ,can u explain this?? because graphical method also can be used to find the point of intersection right? so if i use graphical method then my x coordinate for the point of intersection is not the same although y coordinate correct.
To find points of intersection of the curve and to find the point where the particles collide are not the same. Please ask your teacher or attend my class. 😛
oic, then that makes clear that i dont really understand haha, cuz i thought u solve the simultaneous equation to find the point of intersection first, and assuming one of the particles be at that point then traces back t value and find coordinate of another particle.If x1=x2 and y1=y2 then it collide, So now your working is to find the point where particles collide? and may i know how to find point of intersection by using simultaneous equation?
Ways to find the points of intersection will only be shown to my students. Thanks
haha alright then, tq so much for your time ! appreciate it !
Is that q2 c is using b^2-4ac to solve ? And then we need to list up the possible parametric equation ?
It depends on your teacher.
Is there any other way to find the collision of points for 3(c) ?
There are many methods to find the points.
Question 2 how do start ? I don’t understand…
Write the answer directly.
Sir, are you sure that t= 3.785 & 5.690 when sin t= -0.6? When I use the calculator, I got a different answer.
Yes. It is correct. Change your calculator or change your hand.
Its correct. When you press your calculator,you shouldnt insert the negative in. Just insert the 0.6. After that you will get 36.8698… The negative sign shows that it’s actually in the third and fourth quadrant.For the third quadrant, its (180+36.8698), after that change the ans in term of rad. Which means you should take [(180+36.87)xπ]/180 = 3.786
Do the same thing for the fourth quadrant (360-36.87) and you will get 5.64
You’re welcome 🙂
Haha.. A long explanation. But, u dint utilise the power of your calculator. 🙁
is 5.64 or 5.69?
5.639 so it is 5.64
I have a different ans too..
can we use graph(method)to solve ques 2
Any methods. It depends on your teacher. 🙂
My teacher says that the answer for 2c is wrong.If you substitute your y equals to t² ,my graph will be limited to positive only.But according to the graph my y has negative values.
Then u can adjust the answer yourself.
How to write a suitable title?
“Race between turtle and rabbit using parametric equation”
Race between turtle and rabbit? is tht real?
Why not?
excuse me, but anybody here have intro, methodology and others for this assignment? idk how to do.
or sir, can you please write an entry abt how to write all this stuffs? thank you
Cant help you on this.
Sir it seems that there is more than 1 graph fr various valuess of t
What you mean?
Sir,Mat i know how to do the intro??
Please ask your school teacher.
Sir for the question 3c
I think you made a mistake
Its 5x^2 + 16x + 15
Not 5x^2 + 16x + 12
Eh sorry correct already
I think 5x^2+16x+12 is correct.
Hello sir. How to calculate the position of both particles collide in Q3 c)when t=3.785 and 5.640?
Subs into the equation of x and y
Which equation of x and y?
Please refer to the question. It is stated there
Sir, how do i explain the part for 3(c) in my methodology, whereby i change the sin^-1(-0.6) to 3.785 and 5.64?
“By calculator”
Sir….. Regarding no.2(a) … If I let x=t^2 , y=+-(surd t^2-49)+1…. In this case, I’ll have 3 parametric equations. One x and two y. So which of the y parametric eqn should I choose to get a set??
Please change to others. Unless this is your teacher’s requirement
Sir , how to find three sets of parametric equation like question 2a ?
Any equations that satisfy the Cartesian equation
Sir,may i ask y did u chg the ans to rad when using x=-6/5 in verification step…thx in advance
It is in radian from the beginning. I dint change anything.
ops, sry my bad
Sir,at verification step, if i substitute x=-2 into x=cos t – 2, then cos t would be 0 and i will get 2 answers, so i just have to conclude that the particles would not collide when t=pi or is it that i am only supposed to use x=2sin t
Use ALL equations to verify.
sir, do you have any example or tips on how to do the methodology and conclusion?
Sir, why the 2nd parametric equation in 2(a)is y=7tanθ, but not y=7tanθ+1? I thought it should be y=7tanθ+1…
Yes. Please edit yourself.
May I know How do you find the parametric eqn for y=7tan + 1 ??
Make sure you can get all the points.
sir…may i ask you one quest…for the answer of Q2 n Q3…should i write on methodology or results?
another quest,,,,,where did you get t=3/2 pi….for Q3(c) verification,,,,when i press on the calculator,,,the answer is diffrence from yours
waiting for your explanation
Make sure you are using the rad mode. Else change your calculator.
sir, i notice sumthing…… according to u….
when x=-6/5 the 2nd t= 5.690
but t=5.640 when u are relating the t to both curves……
i already tried using calculator…. t=5.640 is more reasonable……
I cannot understand what you asking. I hope you have solved your question.
sir,how to do the methodology for those question?
Please refer to your school teacher. Thanks
sir,,,why did you used sin^2t-cos^2t=1 for quest 3 C).
why did you used alphbet t??can we use any aplphbets other than t?
Because there is t in the question.
thanks a lot sir
sir,may i know,,where did you get the coordinates for question 3 C)?did you subsitute the values of t in the equation of x=2sint,x=cost-2,y=3cost,y=1+sint?
Sry sir…it’s tht can,if I just gv the definition of parametric equ n some example for intro.^^
Ya. It depends on your teacher.
sir can i know how to do the conclusion. what point must we put in the conclusion
Hi. Please ask your teacher. I am not going to help in this part.
Thank you sir. Sir why x-49 must be in positive?
Because $latex \sqrt(x-49)$ is defined only if $latex x-49>=0$.
Sir , can i know how to draw the graph using computer
Sorry. I cant teach here. Please youtube yourself.
Sir, does t represent the time when the particles collide?
t represents the time, any time when the particle is moving
kk, tq sir
Sir, can give me some idea how to write the title
Sir can i know how to find the range of the second for question 2(a)?
You have to test one by one to get the complete curve.
Sir what means of this “$latex \sqrt(x-49)$ is defined only if $latex x-49>=0$.”
x-49 must be positive, else the square root function cannot be defined.
For question 3c, x=-6/5 and -2,then to find t,I have to use equation x=2sin t right?Should I use another equation of x ,(x=cos t-2)to find t?
You can use any equations.
For the 2a) question right, x= 4t^2+49 y= 4t+1
Sir am i right?
x= 4t^2+49 y= 2t+1
NO sir. i mean x= (4t)^2+49 y= 4t+1
So sir. am i right?
sir, for the question 2a) can i just substitute the x=e^t into the eq 2a as my parametric equation?
Can. If you can find the corresponding y
Teacher,can you tell me how to get 3 parametric equation in 2a.please?
Teacher,can you give me same tips on how to write methology and conclusion because our maths t teacher already retire and want to wait until next year new teacher come and we don’t have any teacher guide us.Thanks you for your reply~
For methodology, try to write about the methods/theorem/ways you used to solve the questions.
For conclusion, you can rewrite again all your important result from each part and write one or two example that related.
Sir,can you tell me how to get 3 parametric equation in Q2a,thx.
It can be obtained directly if you know what is parametric equation. I can’t explain further here.
Hi ?I want to ask that the questions 2)a) are we need to form 3 parametric equation form that cartesian equation or just sub the x or y value that you give into that cartesian equation??? Thank you ?
You need to form 3 equations.
Ok, thank you very much.
thank you for your reply(^_^)
Sir, for question 2 a) can I let x=t, x=2t and x=t^2 and in each case express y in terms of t. [x=t, y=+/- square root(x-49)-1] is a set?
For me, No. For your teacher, i don’t know.
Can i use y=t,y=(t^2)-1 and y=-t^2 to prove that it can used for y in 2(c)?
As my teacher want us to show the equation….
Can. If your teacher accept.
Sir,what should i write for an introduction for parametric equation?
Hi. It depends on your teacher. Please google for some related info and use it.
Sir, is it 2(a) need to plot the curve??because the question have say “….the curve whose equation is…..” so need to sketh a parabola graph or not??
hi sir , 🙂 can i ask about question 2(b) why cannnot ?
Hi. Reason is stated there.
Sir,for question 2(a),How to find the other 2 sets of parametric equations?For set 1,I used the formula x=at^2 and y=2at…but how about the other 2 sets?How can i get the other 2 sets?I have no idea…Just use back the same formula or there is another way to solve this?
Does it mean any parametric equations of curve as long as it satisfy the Cartesian equation?So,If that is true,can I use the parametric equation of hyperbola?
You can use any equation that satisfy the original equation.
How to meant by satisfy the original equation?
Ohh…I think maybe i get what you mean…Thanks a lot!
Hi Sir, to find if the particles collide in 3c, can I do a table of t(0, pi/2, pi, 3pi/2, 2pi values), x1, x2, y1 & y2? and subs t values into the original equations in the questions to find the (x,y)coordinates that are the same? The answer will still be 3pi/2 as point where they collide.
For me, NO. For your teacher, i don’t know.
Can you explain more from 3.C Verification? Only subs the value of x on x= 2 sin t?
Substitute into all the original equations to verify
Hi sir, may i know that for the question 3, should i use the same value as you had used for the simultaneous equation and verification or should i use a different set of values?
Hello, sir. How do I get the values of t for Q3?
Solve the simultaneous equations
2a can use standard form of parabola to create the equation?
For me NO. For your teacher i dont know
that helps alot.thanks
Sir, can you please give me some example of the application of parametric equation in our daily life??? Because I cannot find it in the internet……..
Hi sir
For 2a
Can I use x=50-sin^2€ and y=cos€+1 and the range of € is between 0 and pi?
I have calculated the values using the range but it seems to be a graph with y-axis as major axis but the other two equations above are graphs with x-axis as major axis..
You can try to switch the x and y
Sir,may I know how to get 3.785 and 5.640 when x=-1.2
Using calculator
Sir , for x=-2 and y=0 , I’ve got the value of t that is (3π/2) , so is it that the coordinates of the ellipse and circle for x=-2 AND y=0 are the same ?
Your student here hahahahaha
Sir,how to write the conclusion and methodology?
Excuse me teacher? I would like to ask about what should i write for any comment or statement after i plot the curve(question 1)?Can you guide me some suggestions?
You can explain the shape.
sir for question 2a ,may i make the original equation into this form ? x²/36² – y²/6² = 1 ? thn my parametric eqaution will be like this,x = 36 sec ,y = 6 tan
For 2a. It is a parabola, which means it cant be x²/36² – y²/6² = 1
u know what , u r rude, n i read all your replies to all the comments.. u kinda reply in a sarcastic way.. just chill on , cause we r new to this kinda no guide assignment.. we need some help bcoz all of our school teacher dont give a damn.. so the point is have some courtesy to share knowledge… hope u get me, stingy 🙂
All right. Thanks of your comment.
1. I am not a school teacher. And i never attend any meeting regarding the assignment. So do not expect me to know all the school teachers requirement. I have tried my best to give the information that i know. I have students from different schools. That’s why i know different school teachers have different requirement on the particular questions. This is also the reason i never answer all the questions that are not related to maths.
2. I am posting all maths related solutions for your reference and please do not expect me to post 100% answers.
3. I have tried my best to help and this will be my last posting on solutions of assignments. Thanks.
U r so disgusting u know?people give u a sample to refer,u never say tanks, determine, but u still complain that the ans is not acceptable in your school?so ridiculous,no one is a must to provide amethyst is needed by your teacher,ok???I feel pity on u….
sir, do you have math (T) TERM 2 assignment solution?
Hi. You can refer to this post.