“Mr Lee has been one of my favourite Mathematics tutors since I met him. He is always very patient when teaching me, i.e. he would repeat his explanations when I could not get it right in the first round. He always ensures that I understand the concepts well, even by means of using analogies for my better understanding. I was very determined to get into my dream university – University of Cambridge, but the admission assessment and interview required a strong foundation in Mathematics and a strong mental calculation. Mr Lee was there to aid me in brushing up my mental calculation and he even taught me several shorter methods to answer those questions. Not to mention, he never fails to answer all the questions or doubts I encountered when doing those challenging questions that are out of my syllabus. I genuinely love his teaching methods and really enjoy learning Mathematics from Mr Lee. With his encouragement and my hard work, I am proud to say I got into University of Cambridge to pursue Engineering. I would never have done it without Mr Lee.”

Koleh Yayasan UEM
I joined KK LEE Mathematics & Further Mathematics personal tuition classes during A LEVEL 2020-2022.