Man Yee
“I was recommended by a friend to attend to KK Lee’s Maths T tuition at AI, since I have the least interest in Mathematics and I am very poor at it. For the first term, due to a long distance between Serdang and Kuala Lumpur, I didn’t give any consideration about it since it is quite burdening and inconvenient. But I deeply regret it now. Started attending his class since the beginning of Term 2 lessons and sincerely appreciate the luck of meeting such a good and humorous Maths teacher. Even though I still have the least interest in Maths, at least sir did a very great job in teaching. I understand what he taught much better than my own Mathematics teacher in school. He always explains things in a very understandable and not-so-boring way. And what I like the most about KK Lee’s lessons is that he will always point out the common mistakes made by students as a reminder for all of us. And also, he’s really friendly and easy-going (enlarge his handwriting for the students at the back lol). KK Lee’s lessons definitely worth the try! “

Man Yee
SMK Seri Serdang
I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2016.