Ng Lun Xin
“I did not know KK LEE until i asked my senior about which tuition centre is good. After I contacted with KK LEE and attended his class for the first time, it was amazing and i was impressed because the way he taught was definitely different from school teachers and it’s the fastest and easiest way to attemp all the maths questions. Well after I went his class for a few times, I truly believed that he is the best maths teacher,he may not talk much but he can get along with u all the time. Any maths problem will not be a difficulty for him! After went to his tuition,my stpm results will never disappointed me. I felt very lucky that I have KK LEE as my Maths T tuition teacher throughout my STPM. KK LEE IS THE BEST MATHS TEACHER IN THE WORLD! Thank u KK LEE! ”

Ng Lun Xin
SMK Seafield
I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2016.