“When I first started tuition with KK Lee, my grades were lurking dangerously between U and E. Needless to say, I was extremely worried as to the outcome of my math results. It seemed difficult and practically impossible for me to pull my grades up to something acceptable. However after several tuitions with him I realised that he boosted my confidence incredibly in what I could achieve as I see marvellous improvements in my grades. Before I started tuition with KK Lee, I was concerned and nervous that I would get even more confused or stress out with additional lessons outside class, but to my surprise it turns out that I actually found myself enjoying and getting excited for his tuitions. I realised this is due to his confident in teaching yet never hesitating to help, despite me being a slow learner as I came to him struggling a lot in maths, especially having to come from a non add-maths background. He has always been determined to solve all my uncertainties as he was aware of my weakness and was willing to explain concepts in a number of different ways to me until the message gets through. Plus, he has been extremely tolerant yet understanding towards me therefore I am beyond thankful for his patience and I must say that he is a really conscientious person. In addition, his lessons are totally stress-free and he makes learning fun and easier for me, yet at the same time productive and serious. I love that he is lightly humorous and has a wonderful ability to teach each topic in a straightforward and logical way. Also, he has always been so meticulous in meeting needs with regards to different individual’s learning style. I have greatly benefited from his effective guidance and constant support. KK Lee is a truly excellent teacher. Importantly, he has been able to explain things in a clear and concise way, recognising each individual’s personal needs and pace. Nothing’s ever a problem with KK Lee, he always manages to help simplify and grasp methods or concepts which may seem difficult at first. I must say that I actually learned more with KK Lee in two hours than I do all week at college! It has been a tremendous privilege to be under the tutelage of such an experienced teacher. I genuinely feel I would have failed my exams without his perpetual guidance. I am proud and thankful, beyond words, when I think of the transformation in my grades, because of the experiences he has provided me with therefore I am confident to say that he is the best Maths tutor and that I actually wish he taught other subjects too! Hence I would highly recommend KK Lee to absolutely anybody who wishes to excel in Mathematics, as it is definitely worth the hourly rate.”

I joined KK LEE A level Private home tuition classes during year 2016.
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Chin Jia Hao
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “I had learnt many easy ways in solving maths question from him.”
Kam Pue Yan
“It was the best maths tuition I’ve ever had, if I joined KK Lee for SPM Add Maths my results probably would’ve been better. His explanations were straight to the point and easy to understand. Before I joined I thought it was……
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “A realist.”
Chow Yong Han
“I once saw Kk Lee’s picture on his website and to me it wasn’t very friendly looking, so I didn’t want to attend his class. But after I attended his class, I found out that he was way more friendly than the picture and I can understand what he teach very easily.”
Lau Chia Yong
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “I found your method of teaching is easy to approach and understand. Love attending maths class by Kklee.”
Stephanie Peter Kervin
“I heard alot about kk lee even before i start stpm..but it was quite far from my house so i had thought not to take tuition here. But still i wanted to try it out first and to my surprise maths felt so easy in his class. Questions doesnt look that hard anymore……
Khor Joo Wei
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “Experience and dedicated teacher. Definitely will recommend juniors to come along.”
Chan Chee Sam
“Thank you for being my MT teacher. You make the maths lesson fun, exciting and alive. I would like to recommend your tuition to my friends because your teaching skill is easy for me to understand and l really like to do your challenging question in your class.”
Ng Yi Wei
I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “第三次写评语给KK LEE了,不过还是觉得KK LEE好厉害,特神奇,black magic in mathematic”
Sabrina Chua
“I heard ‘KK Lee’ this name before when I’m still at SPM. I heard one of my senior said that Mr.Lee is a great and experienced tutor but due to the distance problem I have no chance to attend his SPM classes. The chance came when I decided to……