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STPM 2015 MT Paper 1 Sample Solution

STPM 2015 Mathematics (T) Paper 1 Sample Solutions
Thanks for all the papers contribution. Feel free to contribute your papers to me, so that i can post more solutions in future. Click the image below to view the complete KK LEE STPM Past Year solution for STPM 2015 Mathematics (T) Paper 1.

More Complete Solutions


STPM Past Year Book

I compiled the first past year q and a book for my students since 2016, and the students liked the book so much. And now i have compiled all the chapters' past year books. I have made the books in two main categories. One is sorted by chapters and another one is sorted by years and papers. The books helped a lot students in STPM examination preparation. Books are given for free to all my current students.


Now you also can get all the complete STPM Mathematics past year books compiled with the questions and the complete workout solutions. All students can apply for free book from KK LEE Mathematics Facebook Messenger Bot. If you are interested to get complete version you can buy the books from the Google Play Book.

KK LEE, Ai Tuition Centre