The concept of a limit plays a central role in calculus. For example, continuity, derivative and integral require this concept. In this assignment, you are required to explore the concept of a limit.
Sample Question
Question 1
(a) Draw an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle of radius cm. Express the area of the triangle
in term of
(b) Repeat 1(a) with square, regular pentagon, regular hexagon, …, regular polygon with n sides in the circle of radius cm.
(c) Determine the value of correct to three decimal places when
is large.
Question 2
A function is defined by
(a)(i) Tabulate the values and
when x equals to 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, …. Deduce value of
(a)(ii) Tabulate the values and
, 3 and 4, when
equals to 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, …. Deduce value of
(b) Show that .
Question 3
A function g is defined by , where
(a) Suppose is an integer, estimate
using the trapezium rule with
(i) strips,
(ii) strips,
(iii) strips.
In each case, express in terms of
and determine $\lim_{t\to\infty} g(t)$.
(b) Suppose is a real number, find
using integration and determine $\lim_{t\to\infty} g(t)$.
(c) Comment on your findings.
Sample Solution
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Sir! Thank you for guiding us all these semesters!!! I’ve learned a lot from your solutions!
Sir, I do really appreciate your hard work! THANK YOU SIR!!
sir can you post the sample answer already? sem 2 already over , i need it as reference . Thank you in advance
oh , if sir do not wish to post it yet then can you email me the sample answer , i really need it ,thanks!