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“话说其实我数学真的很不好,尤其是中四理科班一定要学到 add maths 开始,不得不去补习,不然考试等着拿鸭蛋… 好吧,不得不承认其实中四那年我上补习是没有认真听课的直到中五要面临 spm, 后半年才来抱佛脚。开始翻回以前 kk lee 数学 notes 来做练习。(我中五的后半年 kk lee 突然从 m.p的 k 补习中学 突然换去别的地方) 。 后来上了中六,听说 kk lee 在 kl k 补习中心教课,于是就决定去看看(那时还没报名)。可是k 补习中心的纸上不是 kk lee 做数学老师,所以没报名,犹豫着… 至到我朋友说他在 kl 开了 ai 补习中心,就找上门报名… (虽然我对哪那里的厕所很无言) 上了中六,我依旧还是继续着我的惰性,前半年在那边 hea,sem 2 由于学校换了新的严厉数学老师,不得不面对堆积如山的数学题,也不得不开始认真做数学题。晚上很多时候遇到不会的数学题就会自然地 WhatsApp kk lee,而他也没有不耐烦,真的会告诉我该怎么解决数学题。一到补习那天,会把堆积的数学题一题题地问(有些他 WhatsApp 回过我,可是还是不明白的,他也会耐心在讲多一次) Sem 3, 校方又突然换老师,在学校听不进脑 (可能是我已经习惯了 sem 2 的那位老师教学方式吧),只好继续由 kk lee 教… 在这里想说的是,对于数学不好的我来说,我数学 overall 的 cgpa 拿到 2.0,有一部分要感谢 kk lee 耐心教导,就算很晚了,他还是会回答我的问题… 可能你们觉得:切,2.0 罢了嘛!!! but 这对数学白痴的我来说,能在 sem 1 拿 F, sem 2 开始成绩有起色,sem 3 没什么做练习 (比 sem 2 少),我已经很开心了。”



I joined STPM Mathematics (T) tuition classes few years ago.

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Lim Qi Shean

Lim Qi Shean

"Mr Lee has been one of my favourite Mathematics tutors since I met him. He is always very patient when teaching me, i.e. he would repeat his explanations when I could not get it right in the first round. He always ensures that I understand the concepts well, even by...

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“No concern. nothing really surprised me, kk lee is funny. next time i hope teacher u wont take away their playbook even though they did not join your intensive class. they also paid for the monthly tuition fees. They did not join your intensive class maybe is because……

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Wong Mei Yee

Wong Mei Yee

“He is a good teacher in teaching us fast & easy way to get to solve the questions. He uses many good examples and explanations so that we can more understand it. Although being tuition here is so far from me, tired when travel but it is worth. A lot of……

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Hafiz Din

Hafiz Din

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “He is a good teacher..thanks for everything”

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Lau Jean Ning

Lau Jean Ning

“I took Maths T as an extra subject, my only teacher was KK Lee. He is very to the point and easy to understand, his syllabus is exam oriented. I find that all the past year questions he gives according to chapter makes doing the actual exam easier……

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Liew Qi Yue

Liew Qi Yue

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: ” You will fall in love with Maths T after attending KK Lee’s class. Best Maths T teacher ever!”

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Chong Junn Haw

Chong Junn Haw

“I would like to thank to Mr. Lee who taught me through this 1 and a half years. To be honest, I hate math so much. However, when I started to attend Mr.Lee’s tuition class, I love math as he transferred all his passion to me and also provided interesting……

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Mak Teng Teng

Mak Teng Teng

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “He’s one of the best maths m teacher I’ve ever met! Thank you kk Lee.”

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Jia Ee

Jia Ee

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “KK Lee is the most fun and interesting tuition teacher I ever met. Glad to attend his classes, as it’s easy to understand and learn.”

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More Testimonials from my lovely students



“No concern. nothing really surprised me, kk lee is funny. next time i hope teacher u wont take away their playbook even though they did not join your intensive class. they also paid for the monthly tuition fees. They did not join your intensive class maybe is because……

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Wong Mei Yee

Wong Mei Yee

“He is a good teacher in teaching us fast & easy way to get to solve the questions. He uses many good examples and explanations so that we can more understand it. Although being tuition here is so far from me, tired when travel but it is worth. A lot of……

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Lau Jean Ning

Lau Jean Ning

“I took Maths T as an extra subject, my only teacher was KK Lee. He is very to the point and easy to understand, his syllabus is exam oriented. I find that all the past year questions he gives according to chapter makes doing the actual exam easier……

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Chong Junn Haw

Chong Junn Haw

“I would like to thank to Mr. Lee who taught me through this 1 and a half years. To be honest, I hate math so much. However, when I started to attend Mr.Lee’s tuition class, I love math as he transferred all his passion to me and also provided interesting……

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Jia Ee

Jia Ee

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “KK Lee is the most fun and interesting tuition teacher I ever met. Glad to attend his classes, as it’s easy to understand and learn.”

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Yew seow yen

Yew seow yen

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: ” Enjoy every math class I attend during that one and half year . It was so hard to express my gratitude to such a great teacher like Sir Lee. Those was tough semester, but you got me through it! Thank you Sir KK Lee !! “

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Kam Pue Yan

Kam Pue Yan

“He has his unique way to teaching and goes straight to the point hence it’s extremely easy to understand his class. What’s amazing is that he gives you on the spot ……

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I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “He knows the way of teaching and he knows what is important topic for Stpm exam.”

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Ng Kai Wen

Ng Kai Wen

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “老师教的数学我几乎都听得明白,很谢谢他一直教导我们,然我们考到很好的成绩?? 谢谢您老师?‍??‍??‍?”

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Tan Min Hao

Tan Min Hao

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “上了大学,我还在refer KK LEE 的notes, 还在用 KK LEE Method, 只因为我相信 KK LEE Method 快和准!”

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Siow Wei Qing

Siow Wei Qing

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “I am very happy when in your class. Your class is very easy to understand and suitable for all kind of students. It is very funny and I will recommend to others about your excellent teaching.”

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Ng Kai Wen

Ng Kai Wen

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “老师,教得很棒,可以吸收很多知识!!! 如果当初没遇到老师的话,我的数学成绩一定会不好看??”

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Kam Pue Yan

Kam Pue Yan

“It was the best maths tuition I’ve ever had, if I joined KK Lee for SPM Add Maths my results probably would’ve been better. His explanations were straight to the point and easy to understand. Before I joined I thought it was……

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Chow Yong Han

Chow Yong Han

“I once saw Kk Lee’s picture on his website and to me it wasn’t very friendly looking, so I didn’t want to attend his class. But after I attended his class, I found out that he was way more friendly than the picture and I can understand what he teach very easily.”

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Stephanie Peter Kervin

Stephanie Peter Kervin

“I heard alot about kk lee even before i start stpm..but it was quite far from my house so i had thought not to take tuition here. But still i wanted to try it out first and to my surprise maths felt so easy in his class. Questions doesnt look that hard anymore……

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Chan Chee Sam

Chan Chee Sam

“Thank you for being my MT teacher. You make the maths lesson fun, exciting and alive. I would like to recommend your tuition to my friends because your teaching skill is easy for me to understand and l really like to do your challenging question in your class.”

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Ng Yi Wei

Ng Yi Wei

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “第三次写评语给KK LEE了,不过还是觉得KK LEE好厉害,特神奇,black magic in mathematic”

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Sabrina Chua

Sabrina Chua

“I heard ‘KK Lee’ this name before when I’m still at SPM. I heard one of my senior said that Mr.Lee is a great and experienced tutor but due to the distance problem I have no chance to attend his SPM classes. The chance came when I decided to……

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Lim Mu Khai

Lim Mu Khai

“I view KK LEE more as an educator than an teacher. As an educator, it is important to know the teaching process which involves preparation, presentation, application and review. I believe KK LEE has fit all criteria above as he prepare……

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