Leong Shu Min

Leong Shu Min
Victoria Institution
I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2017.
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Victoria Institution
I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2017.
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"I would recommend Kk Lee mathematics tuition for every students that taking mathematics subject. This is because Kk...
"The best Maths teacher in town ! Very useful notes and past year questions are provided which makes you understand...
"I don't know why he became a tuition teacher because his qualifications is way higher than that. So, trust him." I...
"I attended KK LEE's tuition because my school's teacher wasn't of any help. Through attending his classes, I managed...
"Never had confidence with tuition centre maths teacher.Until I met him.The way he teach and how he is willing to...
"话说其实我数学真的很不好,尤其是中四理科班一定要学到 add maths 开始,不得不去补习,不然考试等着拿鸭蛋… 好吧,不得不承认其实中四那年我上补习是没有认真听课的直到中五要面临 spm, 后半年才来抱佛脚。开始翻回以前 kk...
"Before I started my tutions at AI Tution Centre, I'm worried that my results would continue to deteriorate despite me...
"My STPM math t result Sem one (with kk lee ) B ------> retake (with kk lee ) A- Sem two (without kk lee ) C ------>...
"KK LEE is really responsible . Everytime I face problem when solving maths questions ,I Whatsapp him and he surely...
"He is like a genius , he can calculate anything without using calculator . Yes for sure . If you face any maths...
"Mr Lee Kian Keong is a very good math teacher, the ways he used to teach is profound and comprehensive. He summarized...
"I'd never regretted attending KK Lee's classes. I was really really really weak in maths initially but after start...
"Hello kklee , long time no see. I am your form 6 maths t ex-student. The reason I write a review is because I get the...
"I think Mr. Lee' s teaching is simple to understand. He has complete notes for every chapter and he is a very patient...
"Thank you sir for being a great maths teacher for us.. There is always a solution whenever student asking a...
"KK LEE is a responsible and hardworking teacher, he always give us many exercise to do and we can check the answer...
"Mr. Lee is really patient in teaching Math. I always WhatsApp him when I was stuck for any Math question. Every time...
"You are so professional and fast in calculation! Thank you so much for your work! I really appreciate what you have...
"God of maths. My term 1maths grow from D to now A." I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2015....
"A very good teacher! We can even understand the complicated maths T thanks to KK Lee! Very recommend all the STPM...
"Before I start tuition, I really have problem in keeping up with my study in school, but after I have my tuition with...
"Very good~ excellent ~ After attending classes i feel that i had gained much confidence and also gt the chance to do...
"Before i started tuition with KK Lee, it is very hard for me to remember all the math's formula. After i started...
"Regretted to start Maths T tuition with KK Lee only on Sem 2. He helps us to build the much-needed solid foundation...
"神一般的老师。" I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2015. Don't Wait Another Minute To Join.You can...
"In short, To pass = 40% effort To pass = 12.47% effort + KK LEE To get an A = 75%effort To get an A = 49.63% effort +...
"I do concern about tuition teachers of course, it is because I had experienced once that I couldn't understand things...
"He is a good maths teacher and i suggest that u should start tuition from sem 1." I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T)...
"When i first attended Mr Lee's class, I was amazed by his calculator skills and his speed in everything he did in...
"Distance from the tuition centre to my house is quite far for me, but I still went there! It is such a wasting time...