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Lim Mu Khai

Lim Mu Khai

I view KK LEE more as an educator than an teacher. As an educator, it is important to know the teaching process which involves preparation, presentation, application and review. I believe KK LEE has fit all criteria above as he prepare and present his lesson well, gives tough exercises for us to apply what we’ve learnt as well as review what we’ve learnt so far (at the chapter he’s teaching) at the beginning of the lesson. KK LEE baffles me as he is able to spot mistakes at one glance which just shows that how experienced he is. KK LEE also has a sense of humour which will help spicing up the class a bit. Overall, if you’re f6 student who’s taking maths and didn’t join KK LEE’s class, you’re missing out a lot. 100000% recommend him. What are you waiting for?? Join KK LEE’s class now!! Getting cgpa 4.0 is not merely a dream!!!!!!

Lim Mu Khai

SMK Bandar Utama

I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2017.


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