Tan Pik Leng

Tan Pik Leng


Tan Pik Leng

Tan Pik Leng

SMK Cochrane

I joined KK LEE Mathematics (T) tuition classes during STPM 2014.

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Lim Mu Khai

Lim Mu Khai

“I view KK LEE more as an educator than an teacher. As an educator, it is important to know the teaching process which involves preparation, presentation, application and review. I believe KK LEE has fit all criteria above as he prepare……

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Ee Hui En

Ee Hui En

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “剛開始不認識老師的時候是有一點懷疑,不知道KKLee教書怎樣。可是當我上第一堂課了之後,我很開心。他把人人都說很難的數學變得很簡單! 也因為有他,我的數學才可以從sem1到sem3都保持在A。謝謝你老師! ❤”

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Koh Kia Ying

Koh Kia Ying

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “Kk Lee 很好 教書很輕松 很容易明白 kk Lee 棒棒噠 ?”

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Glenna Tan

Glenna Tan

“KK Lee is a great math teacher.If you feel that you are struggling with math,don’t hesitate to ask help from him.He ensure us to learn math with the correct concept and he even comes up with his own techniques that enable us to solve……

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Wan Chai Xuan

Wan Chai Xuan

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “The lessons were fun and the complicated question can be solved by easy way. Teacher also will teach the past year questions and solved by many technique.Math T become easily!!”

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Phoon Kah Chi

Phoon Kah Chi

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “很专业的老师,教课节奏适中,由简入深,时常把复杂的问题简单化,thx”

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Tan Jia Yee

Tan Jia Yee

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “KK lee is by far 1 of the best math teacher i met. His well rounded presentation provided me the concept i need to know easily.”

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Kong Wai Wah

Kong Wai Wah

“KK Lee is a real qualified Maths T teacher because he has a strong base of maths, always plans his lessons well, and his notes are well organized and handy. When I was in form 6, sometimes I even felt that I didn’t need a textbook. And of course……

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Lu Yi Wen

Lu Yi Wen

“KK Lee is a very friendly and helpful teacher. I was really surprised when I first started his class. His teaching makes everything simple and you will get to understand the whole syllabus easily. I was impressed by his techniques and methods because……

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Zhe Xuan

Zhe Xuan

I recommend STPM Mathematics Tuition: “KK LEE是我敬仰的数学老师,他的数学造诣不但高而且教学认真幽默又有趣,当面对难题无法解决时,只要他稍加讲解学生们就明白了,如果你想要在充满乐趣的氛围中学习而且又要提升数学的成绩那就来找KK LEE吧。”

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"Never had confidence with tuition centre maths teacher.Until I met him.The way he teach and how he is willing to...

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"话说其实我数学真的很不好,尤其是中四理科班一定要学到 add maths 开始,不得不去补习,不然考试等着拿鸭蛋… 好吧,不得不承认其实中四那年我上补习是没有认真听课的直到中五要面临 spm, 后半年才来抱佛脚。开始翻回以前 kk...

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